Wednesday, May 23, 2012


We’ve had a very busy week getting settled in our new house.  Things are mostly put away and our home is everything I’ve dreamed of.  It’s absolutely perfect except for one thing that is missing, Sam.  Even though Sam will never grow up in this house I feel closer to him here than I did living in our apartment in the city.  I feel like this is where we are meant to be.  Sam’s things have their place upstairs in the “Hope Closet” and the room that was meant for him is a color that will always make me smile and think of him, yellow and full of sunshine.  I still grieve in some way everyday, but I can honestly say I feel more at peace here.  My new favorite spot to sit, relax and think is our front porch.  I spent some time there this afternoon thinking about how lucky I am to be living this life despite the hurdles that have been thrown my way.  I know the sad days aren’t totally over, but I hope for more days like today.

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