Friday, June 8, 2012

What I Learned From My Reiki Treatment

All but 1 of my 7 chakras were blocked! 

Nancy, the Reiki Master explained this all to me, but when I got home I had to do a little more research.  For those, like me that don’t truly know much about chakras here is a 7 Chakras for Beginners website.

The most obvious one to be blocked for me was the Heart Chaka – our ability to love.  There are a lot of things I can relate to that can block the heart chakra:  fear, rage, feeling stuck and being afraid to let new things manifest. 

The second chakra she talked about with me was the Third Eye Chakra – our ability to focus on and see the big picture.  It can be blocked by a need to control things, which I’m well aware of and have never felt so not in control of things lately.  I am also having a hard time being positive about what will happen in the future.

She also said that my Crown Chakra – our ability to be fully connected spiritually was tentative about opening.  This may have something to do with my faith in God, but I really think I’ve been trying to work on that at least a lot more than I did in the past.  We’ll call this one a definite work in progress.

The most concerning was that my Throat Chakra – our ability to communicate would not open.  I told her about my blog and how open I have been and it surprised her that considering I share my feelings with anyone that will listen. It still remains closed.  I did however; confess that there are certain things I hold back on the blog.  That doesn’t mean I hold them back when talking to Ryan or my mom or certain friends, but some things I’ve held back on here as to not hurt peoples’ feelings or to protect myself.  There is one thing in particular that I know I need to work on, just not on my blog.  It can also be blocked by keeping secrets, which I hate to do and can see how that could cause a blockage because frankly secrets stress me out.  So, my goal now is to get this chakra open!

The good news is that my Root Chakra – our foundation and feeling of being grounded was open.  This makes sense to me because it is also linked to our survival instincts and having survived the last 3 months without Sam I have faith that I know how to survive, how to get up each day and put one foot in front of the other.  I’m not perfect at it, but all things considered I was happy to hear this chakra was open.  If this chakra is healthy, we are centered and have a strong will to live.  

Overall, it was a relaxing experience.  I learned a lot about chakras that I never knew and I plan on working on keeping them open.  I think I’ll most likely go back.  I’m wondering if my hunch is right on how to open my Throat Chakra.  My plan is to work on that and hopefully when I go back Nancy will tell me all my other chakras stayed open and she was able to open my Throat Chakra.  

Is this for everyone?  Probably not, but I would recommend trying it if you are open to it.  I don’t think it would work otherwise.

1 comment:

  1. Amber, I think you are incredibly awesome to seek this out and try something new in order to help yourself!! In some ways it is much easier to stay quietly stuck and pretend that everything is fine. I admire your willingness and openness to figure out how to keep moving forward. Thank you for your inspiration!! ~Jen
